I hope you have a great one!
Heres some costumes I remember wearing threw the years:
1986----Bumble Bee (age 1)
1987----Lion (age 2)
1988----Thomas The Tank Engine (Age 3)
1989----Ghost (Age 4)
1990----Robot (Age 5)
1991----Superman (Age 6)
1992----Ninja (Age 7)
1993----Karate Kid (Age 8)
1994----Vampire Zombie Mix (Age 9)
1995----Mario (Age 10)
1996----Chucky (Age 11)
1997----Freddy Krueger (Age 12)
1998----Link (Age 13)
1999----Pennywise (Age 14)
Three Year Stop
2002----Murderer (for High School Spook Trail, Age 17)
2003----Zombie (Freshmen Costume Party, Age 18)
2004----Billy (AKA The Puppet, Sophomore Costume Party, Age 19)
(Bought a house and started giving out candy)
2005-09 did you stop dressing up? its always fun no matter what age you are