Killerrob Countdown #1. Best Flashs
The main thing about newgrounds now is well, the flash. So i'm going to show you my picks of the best flashs ever.
10# Shorts To Wear Pants To
One of the best flashs are made with alot of friends, and this is one of them. Shorts To wear Pants To just gives you that feling, y'know, that "LOLZOMGTHISROCKZMASOX" feling. So thats how it got on this list
9# Pico's school
First made in 1999 pico's school was better then best. It showed Newgrounds the loving yet bullet-fireing Pico who know has a day of his own, marked on my calender. But we will not forget Pico's School.
8# These Pancakes Are Tiny
Maybe you like waffles, but do you like pancakes? This guy does, well not little ones. Well, this does not need alot of talking about, but the thing that this flash teachs you is the you never EVER piss off a big pancake lover.
7# Newgrounds SIM v 1.2
The best sim flash game ever is well, NG sim. You will want more and you will love it, but i'm the one that LOVES it, and afro-ninjas glad, wanna know how i know? I send PMs to him and he replys (yeah, he does)
Ok i'm gonna stop talking here, here are the other bests:
#6 Fingertips project
#5 Console Buddies
#4 The Torture game 2
#3 Bambee
#2 Shopping Cart Hero
and last, but not least Albuquerque: THE MOVIE
betst flah for me:
newgrounds rumble
It did rock, but its not on the list